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3 Diabetes Medications Down to 1!

Guy's diabetes treatment testimonial

Guy has diabetes and was suffering from gut problems for over a year. Other doctors had him on three medications for his diabetes. He is now down to one medication and has healed all his gut problems.

Hi, I’m Guy.

I came to Dr. Minkoff have
kind of a strange way.

That I had been suffering from gut problems for a long time, probably a year

and I had had a lot of issues because with diabetes, that really made a lot of things going downhill in my life

and I just wanted to have a full recovery.

So after going to several doctors and having not one, then another one and a third medication for diabetes,

it was very frustrating that there was never any solution, just take another medication.

Then I, with the gut problem it just deteriorated from the standpoint that I was hoping

that by going to doctors, conventional medicine, there was a you know solution.

And after going to one and he would say well just take some Pepcid AC and if that doesn’t work we’ll give you something else, another prescription.

And finally I went to a wonderful
specialist from Johns Hopkins

and he said yeah just keep
taking that and

take it three times a day versus twice a day and that should help you out.

Well it didn’t help me out
and so by going online,

my wife was able to find an
alternative source of something

that was just a lot different than
just going to the doctor to

I’m patient number 25 today
and we’re gonna put you in

and we’re gonna send you to the drug store and let me know if it works.

And there was no real result than it was just in my opinion just you know just keep selling pharmaceuticals and there’s no real education I’ve found after 40 years of a doctor today traditionally doing anything other than what Big Pharma tells them to do.

Write this, it’ll work for you and I needed individual attention and I needed a special place where I could go and recover.

So living in Annapolis it was flying down to be down here to take the treatments. It was a six-week course and we also have a place in Bonita Springs.

So it was like COVID-19 came around

and it worked out, I’ll just stay down here and continue working but at the same time getting the good health .

And I met Dr. Minkoff and he certainly was unique in the fact that if this dude can run 42 marathons and he’s near my age and I’m thinking well there’s hope.

And he was very matter-of-fact, very here’s what I think you’ll do, here’s what will work and he had very good bedside manner as I call it.

And it worked out terrific.

So in the first two weeks the stomach and so forth that every morning I would get up and just feel like, ah I just feel awful went away in two weeks.

Started losing weight and it’s been twelve weeks now and I’ve lost about 15 pounds.

Never have a problem with my stomach.

Diabetes, I was on three medications now down to one, still have some work to do on that and the exercise program and so forth has been minimal but it’s been one of those things that you just want to exercise three four times a week because you can see the results and you can see everything and how it’s working.

The staff has been exceptional, when you’re dealing twice a week with 10-12 people,

you know you would always find one person or two but they always had a caring attitude, they always had very gracious personalities

and they really went out of your way from simply saying “hi Guy”.

And it wasn’t just hello but it was more how are you doing,
and just the warmth that they exuded became just an inspiration to me, to want to do more and keep my health going forward.

So I’m back here for another four weeks, five weeks to get some additional treatments and just feel great about the experience and the people.

So Dr. Minkoff has had a great staff and they all are a reflection of how the great

care and patience and understanding they are with each and every person.

So I was asked to do a testimonial that I would never do, I’ve never done before but I just felt, someone watching this might find inspiration to try a different path

and I can tell you the results are right here in front of you and it’s worked beautifully for me.

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